Friends Meeting House in Baltimore

Jul 17, 2024โ€”4th Screening day of Silent Fallout in Baltimore. Here is the screening hall. See what Sachiko Asano from the U.S. team has in her hand! It was lovely hand-drawn signage done by Mr. Lou Curran, incredibly helpful peace activist in MD/DC area๐Ÿ˜† Thank you to the organizers in Baltimore for the wonderful message.

This screening was the liveliest of the five so far. The director, Ito got dizzy with the enthusiasm of the audience!

Thanks to the Baltimore organizer who brought such a refreshing watermelons. Watermelons are Itoโ€™s favorite fruits! his dizziness was eased with them๐Ÿ‰๐Ÿ‰๐Ÿ‰


Friends Meeting in Purchase NY


American University in D.C.